Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Park
Place of Refuge
We are starting our ten day four Island trip to the Hawaiin Islands and theres no better way than to start on the Big Island.

Pu’uhonua o Honaunau Park is on the west coast of the island just over a half hour from Kona Airport. It would be about a two hour drive from Hilo airport.

Known previously as the city of refuge, until the early 19th century, Hawaiians who broke a Kapu (ancient law) could avoid death by fleeing to this place of refuge (pu’uhonua). The person who broke the law would be declared free of blame by a priest and freed to leave.

The park is around 400 acres on the Honaunau Bay and for several centuries the home of Hawaiian Royalty as well as the sanctuary.

The Hale o Keawe or temple is a reconstruction as are the other dwellings on the site. All of the dwellings were destroyed in the mid eighteen hundreds.

These figures are the protectors Kii (statues) that overlook the Place of Refuge.

It is easy to see why Royalty would stay in this area as the views and access to water makes it an ideal area.

Although there is not too much to see except a great view especially on a beautiful day, if your driving along the west coast of the big island it is worth a few hours of your time.